Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Three tips to better communicate with your partner

"I love my husband but sometimes I want to divorce him," one of my friends said recently.
How many of us - both men and women - feel like that every now and then?! I imagine - quite a few!
What is it that can drive us to frustration, anger, resentment, indignation - and finally to those bitter thoughts that are a big "no-no" in a committed relationship?
What is it that overwhelms us to such an extent that we forget what this one special person really means to us?
"He doesn't care!" rings in her ears, when he can't remember what she told him about her plans for the holidays.
"Why can't she stop?" he thinks, running out of the house to get away from her tears and screams. "What did I do? Well, yeah, I guess I forgot about that appointment today - big deal! We can reschedule it."
Sounds familiar? Well, yeah, all of us have gone through scenes like these many times. The reasons for the disagreements are trivial and not worth arguing about. What really hurts - is the sense of a sudden loneliness, when your partner is not on your side any more.
How to prevent it?
1) Don't react while you are stressed. Your emotions will talk (or scream!) - not you. Take a time-out and calm down first.
2) Choose a good time and discuss with your partner his/her behaviors that really upset you. Don't do it while you are upset or stressed.
3) Don't forget why you chose him/her to start with! Remember why you decided to be in this relationship!

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