Sunday, September 26, 2010

A decent person?

What is a decent person exactly? To what extent do we have to be decent? In the dictionary "decency" is defined as "proper behavior." Have you ever thought, who is defining what is proper? Is it your mother or priest or, maybe, your boss at work? Well, their definitions may differ!
Is it "proper" or "decent" to hide the truth (in other words, lie by default)? What if you knew that your best friend is dating a real bitch, pretending to be a sweety-sweet little girl? You know who she really is, but he is clueless! Would it be decent to tell him nothing, hoping that he will discover the truth himself? Why should it be you who tells him anyway? People (your friends, your sister, his brother, even yourself!) may think that you have a certain "personal" interest in him, otherwise why bother? What if you do have an interest in him? Or you don't? Would it be fun to let him go through pain and disiilusion in any case? Is that what a decent friend would do? I don't know..... Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Important questions. Tough questions, too. Does anyone got answers?
